The second half-century of independence
Assane MBAYE
(Alliance pour Refonder la Gouvernance en Afrique)
June 2010
Symbolically, the year 2010 is a time for retrospection. It is also and above all a time for introspection.
In 2010, as many African countries celebrate their first fifty years of independence, the time has come for a symbolic moment of retrospection. This retrospection has two facets. First of all, it is important that we look back to pay a well-deserved and on-going homage to the men and women who, across Africa and the world, have helped free the continent in the name of peoples’ rights to choose for themselves. Secondly, we must assess the changes that have taken place on a continent not always the master of its destiny. Seen in this dual light, the dreams inspired by the great figures of independence in various African countries have faded little by little, and been replaced by an uncertain future and above all a worrisome lack of prospects for Africans, particularly young people.
Through the organisation of a major conference entitled “The second half-century of independence: Africa takes control of its destiny” the Alliance ask that concrete perspectives be drawn up so that, in 2060, we can leave future generations.